Agent Audition
The agent audition was awesome. It was so nice to get up and act in front of people and get some real feedback.
I found out that the casting director we initially auditioned with really likes me. I guess when Andrew, Nick, and Brandon went in for their second interviews to go over the process he talked about me positively to all three of them. This is great!! I have somehow managed to catch the attention of a professional in the acting industry in less than two months of being in LA. He compared me not only to a young Ally Sheedy but also to a young Jennifer Jason Leigh and Diane Lane. I’m not complaining.
We were told to show up an hour and a half before the actual audition so that we could get our sides, scene partners, and then rehearse. I was given a scene about a twenty two year old singer trying to get a producers attention, and the producer treats me horribly. Not a bad scene, I got to freak out at the end. I wasn’t too impressed with me scene partner he was mumbling a lot.
While I was rehearsing that scene the casting director came out and asked me if I would kill him if he gave me another scene. I was stoked, now I would get not only two chances to show the agents what I can do but I would have the opportunity to show more diversity. I was paired with an older man, who again I was terribly impressed with, he also mumbled. This scene was for a woman in her forties, I think someone may have not shown up to the audition and that is why he needed me to fill in. This scene was much more dramatic.
The agents got to the theatre and we went up one after another and did our scenes. I felt really good about my scenes. I was in the moment and excited. Andrew was awesome. His scene partner was a little stilted, but he was in it. Brandon had a great scene and really good chemistry with his partner, and Nick was also good but I felt that the scene he was given wasn’t very good for showing off his abilities.
After we were done the agents got up and did a Q&A. They mentioned that they rarely represent someone who was not already SAG eligible. So, now I have my next step. I must become SAG eligible. I am going with Andrew to sign up for a casting agency that focuses on extra work so that I can get my SAG vouchers!!! This is a wonderful journey.
Way to go. You get 'em girl!
That is so exciting. I'm so proud of you. Way to go.
Yay! I'm so happy for you! Just keep that positive attitude and your dedication :) Love you!
That is so awesome!! I am crossing my fingers for you.
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