Emotional Ride
I have been a bundle of emotions this week. I go back and forth between feeling ecstatic about life and the opportunities that I have and feeling sad and aimless. I’m not sure why I am having such wild mood swings. Possible explanations:
Lack of sleep…waking up at four in the morning to go to work
A massive consumption of coffee…I wake up at four and work at Starbucks what do you expect?
The fact that I picked up my life and completely changed everything by moving to Cali.
Whatever the cause I am taking it the best way I know how, which is not to try and change my feelings about life but to accept them as they come and feel them fully. For instance, today I went running in the rain and cried while listening to Celine Dion…but the fact that I did this makes me laugh. I am struggling to define myself and the life I want, but I am so glad I am having these emotional responses, it shows me how much I care. I know great things will happen for me in life, but right now I need to focus on the journey and all that comes along with it.
This is the first time in a month that I don’t have any auditions lined up, and I feel a little empty without them. Granted I had twelve auditions last month which is more than a lot of actors can say, but they became an enjoyable habit. Step by step I can take what comes into my life.
Just wanted to share what was going on lately. Hope to have good news to share with you soon!!
It is very tough to be doing what we are doing. We have had a regimented life for nearly 15 years. To not have a regimen that is strict and to have no control and only direction is very daunting. The first five months were unbearable, a lot of baths with the candles lit and Miles Davis blaring out of my speakers. But the unpredictability is something I expect and I'm able to bounce into shape and prioritize things now. I no longer procrastinate but rather time everything :-) You will be going through what your going through for awhile, and it wont stop for a long time. Until it just clicks or you hear a forgotten phrase in a song that you ascribe to. My mom always tells me that I am doing the hardest thing that anyone can do right now, trying to make a living in a profession that has no respect and even less chances. But it is my determination to succeed and my ability to put everything on the line whenever I get an opportunity that is keeping me from showering in the dark to Kenny G. You are a bright, warm, caring woman who has a great man who worships the ground upon which you tread. You are going to be a success in anything you want. Even if it takes running in the rain every once in a while to do it.
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