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Location: CA, United States

Hello, my name is Alissa. I have had the dream to be a successful actor from the age of five. I started acting when I was seven. I was born and raised in SLC, UT. I am the youngest of six and the first to graduate from college and move away from home. I got my degree from Westminster college in Arts Administration with a theatre minor and focus at the age of twenty. Now living in LA pursuing my life long aspiration, acting.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Branding myself

As an actress I am a business. I have to create my brand, get interest in my brand, and then eventually sell my brand. So with all that being said the first step is to create a brand.

I have never spent much time on this step, instead I went to school and learned all about business and then forgot how to apply it to myself and my acting career. So, now at 26 I am going back to the basics and branding myself. Why? It started with a comment from an agent I did a workshop with. She had literally no notes on my acting (only massive praise) but said that I need to take more time on my appearance when presenting myself to people in the industry. She said that I need to show that I care about myself and my brand and that I am not wanting.

I always thought "why choose just one way to showcase myself when I am so versatile? Don't they want to see a blank canvas?" The more I am out in the film world the more I am realizing that once you make it these things are true, but first you have to break into the industry.

While at Actorfest (a giant conference for actors) I noticed how a girl that was in a very stylized outfit from the 80's was getting a ton of notice and attention, while the rest of us in jeans and scarves were blending together. She was no better than me in her reads, but she gave them something to remember.

I have always been very girly and have loved the style of the 50s and 60s (the Golden age of glamour in Hollywood). I have owned many dresses resembling this time period for most of my adult life. And I love shopping in vintage stores! So why not let that speak for me? Why not dress in what suits me best, even if it isn't trendy and popular, and give them all something extra to remember me by? Sure it might take me a little extra time in the morning to make sure I have a great red lipstick on and that I am put together, but this extra time is more than worth its weight in branding me.

So this is the beginning of the "new" Alissa. The stylish and unique Alissa.


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