day 2 day in LA

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Location: CA, United States

Hello, my name is Alissa. I have had the dream to be a successful actor from the age of five. I started acting when I was seven. I was born and raised in SLC, UT. I am the youngest of six and the first to graduate from college and move away from home. I got my degree from Westminster college in Arts Administration with a theatre minor and focus at the age of twenty. Now living in LA pursuing my life long aspiration, acting.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Some people might wonder why I would willingly work a job that pays so little that I struggle to pay my bills every month, live off of food from the 99 cent store, reside in a two bedroom apt with 4 people, and pursue a career that has such unbelivably low success rates.

And my answer is passion. When you are meant to do something, truly meant to do something it feels right to work for it, no matter the cost. When every cell in your body is pushing you toward something the struggles are worth it.

Acting has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember and will always be a part of my life. It is the only thing that has remained a constant, with the exception of my family.

There was a time right after I graduated from college that I wished I could stop being so passionate about acting, that I could find another career that would make me as happy. I wished this because of how difficult a journey a career in acting can be. But nothing makes me feel the way I do when I understand a character, when I get to feel the things someone else is feeling, when I get to become another person and experience all these different things that I as Alissa would never get to feel or see. Without acting in my life I am truly miserable. These are the reasons why, in my opinion, I feel destined to be an actress.

So, yes, I could chose an easier path to ensure security and comfort in my future. But I would be settling. Why live an ordinary life when I can experience an extrodinary one? Besides life is far more fascinating when you aren't sure where the next step or minute will lead me every day can be an adventure.

Monday, August 16, 2010

On set

I love being on set! Over the last 3 months I have created opportunities for myself to be on set, and it has been rare to go more than a week or two without filming something.

The latest thing I filmed was a scene for a short film called "Madame Jade's." This was a screenplay that I wrote with Gabriel DeVine. We both wanted to film characters that were completely opposite of our normal casting type, so we wrote something that could facilitate that. I am playing the lovely and evil Madame Jade...and Gabe is playing a very meek and shy man.

The footage is lovely. The set turned out amazing. I can't wait to finish filming and get this baby edited. I already know I will love this film. It has been a great experience being able to create my own projects. Everyone I am working with on these films is just as dedicated and in love with the craft as I am and because of that we all work hard and make it the best product possible.

Over the next two weeks I will be finishing filming Madame Jade's as well as Loaded Lala. After which I will be filming The Harmony Theory...which is something I am wicked excited to film...something far different from anything I have ever gotten to play. I will keep you all posted as to where you can find the films once they are up and running!!!

While you are at it take a look at to get updates and more info on my projects.

Talk to you all soon!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A long time coming

So, as we all know it has been a while since I last blogged. Life got really busy and hectic and I let it slide. But I am back and plan to stay.

So much has happened over the last year that I will have a hard time knowing where to start. I will focus mainly on the projects I am currently working on.

Back in December I was selected to be a part of a web series competition on how to be a lingerie model. Yesterday I did my first lingerie photo shoot. It was a lot of fun and a bit crazy to see how much my appearance can change based on hair and makeup. Being a model seems, to an outside,r to be a simple job: show up get your hair and makeup done, get some pictures taken, and bam you are done. I am here to tell you there is a lot more that goes into it than that. Try having a group of people telling you to tense your muscles and suck in so you look better, but to look completely relaxed in the face...not as easy as it seems. This was my first paid modeling gig, so I suppose now I am technically a professional model as well as actress!

Side note, I also did a fashion students runway show back in fun fun!

I have also created a web series with my friend Caitlin that will be airing in September, it is about dating in LA...which is crazy. All of the episodes are based on true stories...stayed tuned for this one, it will be awesome! We just submitted all the paper work to SAG and should be getting our Taft Hartley contracts here in the next month. Then Alissa will be SAG-e!

I am also in pre-production for three other short films. I have meaty parts in all, and they are all very different characters. I am stoked to be working on all of these projects.

I figure why wait for someone to provide me with the opportunities when I can create work for myself.

I will be keeping you updated on all projects as they move along, and hope to have your support while I climb the ranks in Hollywood!