day 2 day in LA

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Location: CA, United States

Hello, my name is Alissa. I have had the dream to be a successful actor from the age of five. I started acting when I was seven. I was born and raised in SLC, UT. I am the youngest of six and the first to graduate from college and move away from home. I got my degree from Westminster college in Arts Administration with a theatre minor and focus at the age of twenty. Now living in LA pursuing my life long aspiration, acting.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sister's Visist/First LA acting job

My sister was in town this last weekend! I picked her up from the airport on Friday night around 8pm. I was planning to try and take her to a club down in Hollywood but we decided we were too tired to go all the way back down there once we got home. So Friday night we just went to a little restaurant by my house and had dinner.

While we were at dinner we went over a list of things that my sister enjoys doing and might possibly want to do as a career. She has been feeling stuck lately in life, so we were trying to figure out ways to get her up and running. Dinner was nice, and it was so great to catch up and have girl time!

While we were at dinner I got a call from a casting director to come be a featured extra in an industrial film the next morning. That changed our plans a bit, but my sister was great and flexible. So, Saturday we headed down to the USC campus and were there filming this very small film from 10am-2pm. I loved the experience. It wasn’t paid and I was a very small part, but it gave me some experience in front of the camera, which I desperately need. I have such little face time and exposure to film sets, that I need these small parts so that I can build up to being comfortable and knowledgeable when I get bigger parts on a set. It was perfect for my first acting job here in LA to coincide with my sisters visit, she was there to enjoy it with me.

After shooting my sister and I went to the beach!!! Ah the beach. We walked over to Santa Monica Pier and then just laid in the sun and enjoyed its warmth. I even got hit on while we were at the beach, which was a huge compliment to me...i've never been hit on while wearing only a bikini before hahaha.

After the beach we drove down Rodeo drive so she could see it, and also through Hollywood and Beverly Hills. Then we headed home, and went to posh little Mexican restaurant by my house. It was an odd mixure to have Mexican food in place that looked like a night club.

Sunday morning we went to get pedicures and then I took her back to the airport.

A cheers for family and to many more acting jobs in the future!

Visit my website

Thursday, June 25, 2009

What a Week!

So many things going on. First off let me give my respects to Michael Jackson, Farah Fawcett, and Ed McMann. I hope they truly are in a better place now. They each gave something to this world that cannot be re-created, and they will always be remembered.

Now to my busy exciting week. Andrew and I have been living in a studio since we moved out here to Cali, but have been feeling cramped, especially with two cats. We are currently paying $925 a month. Our apartment manager contacted us about a one bedroom that came available. They were originally asking for $1200 a month, which is not feasible at this time. When we talked to him again on Tuesday we told him we would pay $1050 a month., and guess what…we got it!!!!!!! It is sooooo much bigger and has pretty hardwood floors. Plus it is only two doors down so moving will be super fast and easy. I am so excited. We are moving first of July, happened so quickly.

I had two auditions this week. The first was for a stock photo shoot for a client from Japan. I had the initial audition which consisted of a lot of posing and smiling for the camera. I found out that if they choose me I will get paid $500 a day for the shoot and it will be a two to three day shoot! That would be more than I make in a month right now. I am not holding my breath because it is all based on looks, but the fact that I even got called in to audition is a compliment. They are holding call backs on July 7th…wish me luck!

My second audition was for an industrial film for a pharmaceutical company…nothing too exciting, but still an audition!

I will be in a short contest video for an contest on July 5th. I don’t get paid, but it will be great to finally get some time and experience in front of the camera.

I also had a casting director from actors access, a breakdown service, contact me about my vocals. He said they were great and gave me a contact number to someone else in the industry. This other man called me today and explained what he does. He has an extremely high reputation in the industry here, so he takes artists and packages them then sends that package out to hundreds of managers, agents, and casting directors. He said he is really picky who he works with because the industry trusts his opinions and they always respond to who he submits. I have to send him some video footage tonight and he said after he sees it he will be back in contact.

Things are finally really starting to happen for me. I am so excited.

Also, my sister is coming out for the weekend, can’t wait for some girl time with her.

Randomness this week: A man who was parked next to me yesterday told me when I got out of my car that I am his dream girl and that my eyes are incredible. It was very flattering, but a little odd.

New Boots!

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Present

This is what I ended up making Andrew for his birthday. I realized after I had printed the pictures that there is actually an option to have costco make a collage out of the pictures. Apparently I just like to do things the hard way. Oh well, I think it turned out pretty well. Hope he likes it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Andrew's Birthday and The Hangover

These are the before and after pictures from our experience at The Hangover.

Life has been pretty average lately. I had an audition last weekend and one today. I would say that today has been the most interesting in a while.

I had an audition to possibly do a photo shoot modeling a Junior Drake purse. I would be super excited to get the job, I would love to do a real photo shoot, and I would get a free $500 purse!!!! I had to be in downtown LA at 10:15am, what I didn’t realize until I was stuck in traffic on the freeway was that apparently the city of LA decided it would be a good idea to have a parade for the Lakers on a Wednesday morning at 11am. Fun. Was in traffic forever. Not to mention I was sketched out a bit to go to the audition because my friend said the area I was going to isn’t that great and his gps said it was in the middle of a train yard…so strange. Well I got there and it was fine. The building was in an industrial area but it was a nice and safe building with parking in front so I didn’t have to walk far.

We are also celebrating Andrew’s birthday today because one of our friends is going out of town tomorrow and we wanted him to be there, and because Andrew works all day on Sunday(his actual birthday). In celebration we took him to see the movie The Hangover, which was ridiculous, I laughed a lot, but seriously?! We are going out to dinner tonight where we will give him his presents and hopefully get a free birthday dessert:)

I have an audition lined up for tomorrow in Pasadena and am looking forward to it, it is for a music video. That is really about it for now. Will keep you all updated.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Gift Ideas?

Alright friends, I am looking for a little bit of help. Andrew turns 25 this next week and I am completely stumped as to what to get him. I don't have a lot of money and we don't have a lot of space. Usually I like to give sentimental gifts like a blanket I made him, a collage of pictures from all the plays he did during college, and things in that realm.

What I have realized over the past three years is that he loves these gifts, but they are the type of gifts I would like to recieve not necisarrily what he would like. So I am looking for ideas. Please please comment or send me a message if you have any fun ideas!!! Anything would help at this point:)

Oh, he doesn't read this so don't worry about his seeing any of your comments. Also feel free to email me at

Thursday, June 11, 2009


So, I have been massively sick with the worst cold ever for five days now. Today is the first of those five days that I actually feel like a human being again. I have had to miss two shifts at work, but I go back tomorrow. I suppose I have been asking to get really sick, not treating my body as well as I should. It is a good reminder that if I won't give my body what it needs (sleep and nutrition) that is will force me to get those things by knocking me out of commision.

My week has pretty much consisted of sleeping, waking up to eat, sleeping, waking up to eat, and then sleeping again. I'm acutally looking forward to living a normal life again. Just wanted to remind everyone to take care of your bodies, lots of sleep, vitamins, and happiness!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Vegetarian Chai

Ok, so I know the quality of the video isn't great, but I had to make this short. This is based off of a customer who came into my work the other day. It was so ridiculous. Let me know what you think!!!

Oh I also met Kevin Spacey at my work on Friday, awesome!!!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Emotional Ride

I have been a bundle of emotions this week. I go back and forth between feeling ecstatic about life and the opportunities that I have and feeling sad and aimless. I’m not sure why I am having such wild mood swings. Possible explanations:

Lack of sleep…waking up at four in the morning to go to work

A massive consumption of coffee…I wake up at four and work at Starbucks what do you expect?

The fact that I picked up my life and completely changed everything by moving to Cali.

Whatever the cause I am taking it the best way I know how, which is not to try and change my feelings about life but to accept them as they come and feel them fully. For instance, today I went running in the rain and cried while listening to Celine Dion…but the fact that I did this makes me laugh. I am struggling to define myself and the life I want, but I am so glad I am having these emotional responses, it shows me how much I care. I know great things will happen for me in life, but right now I need to focus on the journey and all that comes along with it.

This is the first time in a month that I don’t have any auditions lined up, and I feel a little empty without them. Granted I had twelve auditions last month which is more than a lot of actors can say, but they became an enjoyable habit. Step by step I can take what comes into my life.

Just wanted to share what was going on lately. Hope to have good news to share with you soon!!